DETOX by HOT/ COLD BATH BATH 1 draw toxins to the surface draw a hot tub- hot as you can tolerate. Get into it and stay in it until the temperature drops to room temperature BATH 2 detox with baking soda. pull toxins & heavy metals out of the body draw a hot tub- hot as you can tolerate. Add 2.5lbs to 3 lbs into the water & mix it up. Get into HOT tub and stay in it until the temperature drops to room temperature If skin is dry: rehydrate with a light organic olive oil (if necessary) BATH 3 detox with clorox draw a hot tub- hot as you can tolerate. Add 1 cup of old fashioned clorox bleach. Get into the bath and stay in it until the temperature drops to room temperature drink salt water over 4 hours of fasting distilled water baha gold sea salt