Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Evaluate Bone Health

Evaluate Bone Health

  •  look @ current diet
    • in particular, record how much::
      • Vitamin K
      • calcium
      • Vitamin D <--------- how much morning sunshine?
      • magnesium
  • record current exercise routine, include frequency, balance-focused activities
    • are you rebounding?  you need physical activity Darlings
  • Any lifestyle habits that are impacting your bone health?
    • smoking, alcohol

  • Research and identify improvements you could make to promote better bone health.
    • Create a detailed plan incorporating these changes into your daily routine, such as adding more calcium-rich foods to your meals or incorporating weight-bearing exercises into your workout routine.
    • Over the next few weeks, regularly assess your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

    Care of 206 Bones


    Bone is a dynamic, living tissue made up of a combination of hard and soft components. The hard exterior, the cortical bone, is dense and smooth. It offers the primary structural support. The inner part, the trabecular bone, resembles a sponge with its network of tiny plates and rods. This part is involved in metabolic activities due to its high surface area.

    Microscopically, bone is composed of collagen, a protein that provides a soft framework, and hydroxyapatite, a hard, mineralized form of calcium phosphate that strengthens that framework. These two elements work in tandem to make bones strong yet flexible. 

    Table: Comparison of Axial and Appendicular Skeletons

    Axial SkeletonAppendicular Skeleton
    ComponentsSkull, Vertebral column, Thoracic cageUpper and lower limbs, Shoulder girdle, Pelvic girdle
    Number of BonesEightyOne Hundred Twenty Six
    Primary FunctionProtect vital organs, Support central structureFacilitate movement, Support body’s weight

    Long Bones: The Sturdy Levers: the femur and humerus work. They’re longer than they are wide, acting as sturdy levers that help us move.  Their hollow, cylindrical structure, wrapped in a hard outer layer, makes them lightweight yet strong. : allows us to walk, run, and dance without breaking a sweat.

    Short Bones: The The Craftsmen of Dexterity: the shape of short bones like the carpal bones in the wrist and the tarsal bones in the ankle. Their cube-like form provides stability and flexibility, enabling a wide range of movements. compact yet complex bones, allow us to strum a guitar, create a masterpiece with a paintbrush, or even hit the perfect high five. It’s these skilled craftsmen of dexterity that bring our fine motor skills to life.

    Flat Bones: The Protective Shields:  like the sternum (thoraisic cage) and the cranial bones of the skull, are like the shields of ancient warriors – thin, flat, and often curved. Their noble mission is to protect our vital organs. Picture them as loyal guards, with the cranial bones shielding the brain, and the sternum and ribs forming a protective cage for the heart and lungs.  silent protectors. Offer generous space for muscles to attach, ensuring our body’s movement and stability.

    Irregular Bones: The Unique Mavericks:  our skeletal system has irregular bones. These bones, including the vertebrae and some facial bones, have shapes and sizes that don’t fit into any standard mold.  each one tailored to perform specific functions. The vertebrae, for instance, not only help us move and bear weight but also protect the all-important spinal cord.

    Sesamoid Bones: The Tiny Yet Mighty:  small and round, nestled within tendons. These tiny bones, including the well-known patella or kneecap, are like hardy shields, protecting tendons from wear and tear.  cunning strategists, altering the direction of muscle pull to make our movements more efficient. The patella, for example, boosts the power of the quadriceps tendon, aiding in knee extension.

    600 Muscles, 206 Bones

    Muscles: 600 

       Bones: 206

           Skin: 2 square meters

    How can Naturopathy support them all?  

    Balanced Diet.  Exercise.  Hydration.  



    Bone is a dynamic, living tissue made up of a combination of hard and soft components. The hard exterior, the cortical bone, is dense and smooth. It offers the primary structural support. The inner part, the trabecular bone, resembles a sponge with its network of tiny plates and rods. This part is involved in metabolic activities due to its high surface area.

    Microscopically, bone is composed of collagen, a protein that provides a soft framework, and hydroxyapatite, a hard, mineralized form of calcium phosphate that strengthens that framework. These two elements work in tandem to make bones strong yet flexible. 

    Table: Comparison of Axial and Appendicular Skeletons

    Axial SkeletonAppendicular Skeleton
    ComponentsSkull, Vertebral column, Thoracic cageUpper and lower limbs, Shoulder girdle, Pelvic girdle
    Number of BonesEightyOne Hundred Twenty Six
    Primary FunctionProtect vital organs, Support central structureFacilitate movement, Support body’s weight

    Long Bones: The Sturdy Levers: the femur and humerus work. They’re longer than they are wide, acting as sturdy levers that help us move.  Their hollow, cylindrical structure, wrapped in a hard outer layer, makes them lightweight yet strong. : allows us to walk, run, and dance without breaking a sweat.

    Short Bones: The The Craftsmen of Dexterity: the shape of short bones like the carpal bones in the wrist and the tarsal bones in the ankle. Their cube-like form provides stability and flexibility, enabling a wide range of movements. compact yet complex bones, allow us to strum a guitar, create a masterpiece with a paintbrush, or even hit the perfect high five. It’s these skilled craftsmen of dexterity that bring our fine motor skills to life.

    Flat Bones: The Protective Shields:  like the sternum (thoraisic cage) and the cranial bones of the skull, are like the shields of ancient warriors – thin, flat, and often curved. Their noble mission is to protect our vital organs. Picture them as loyal guards, with the cranial bones shielding the brain, and the sternum and ribs forming a protective cage for the heart and lungs.  silent protectors. Offer generous space for muscles to attach, ensuring our body’s movement and stability.

    Irregular Bones: The Unique Mavericks:  our skeletal system has irregular bones. These bones, including the vertebrae and some facial bones, have shapes and sizes that don’t fit into any standard mold.  each one tailored to perform specific functions. The vertebrae, for instance, not only help us move and bear weight but also protect the all-important spinal cord.

    Sesamoid Bones: The Tiny Yet Mighty:  small and round, nestled within tendons. These tiny bones, including the well-known patella or kneecap, are like hardy shields, protecting tendons from wear and tear.  cunning strategists, altering the direction of muscle pull to make our movements more efficient. The patella, for example, boosts the power of the quadriceps tendon, aiding in knee extension.

    Coaching to Strong

     Evaluate and then Coach:

    1. SEEK HOMEOSTASIS:  The body will self-heal if it is in balance.  Are you in Homeostasis/ optimal balance in these 5 areas?  fact:  A healthy body achieves homeostasis no matter what the external environments is. 
      1. temperature -close to 98.6
      2. blood pressure -specific range
      3. electrolytes -hydration 
        1. introduce celtic salt delivers 60-80 different minerals in bioavailable form
      4. blood PH -7.4
      5. glucose. 
      6. get 15 minutes of morning sunshine on your face.  sun gazing. 
        1. by observing the sunrise we (1)improve your mood & cognitive function (2)support natural rhythms

    2. CLEAR SPIKE PROTEIN: Clear mRNA Spike Protein from cells and tissues.  Do for 3 mos (12 mos if taken multiple shots/boosters)
      1. natokinese   2,000 units /2 times a day
      2. bromelin   500 mg /1 time a day. *-eat fresh pineapple/ make pineapple tea-*
      3. curcurmin  500 mg /3 times a day

    3.  STOP POISONING THE BODY: Stop extra exposure to toxins.  Look at your detergent- even lip balm.  settle for no phthalates.  find sources of clean beauty, like

      1. liver flukes clog bile ducts -symptom? acne, rashes, eczema
        1. clove tea, pumpkin seeds, eat whole papaya, incl seeds
      2. fdf
      1. SMILE for ME *oral health has profound influence on well being*
        1. MOUTH: 
          1. swollen gums- could be anemia


    Maintaining Homeostasis for Wellness

    1.  ID areas in my life I can improve Homeostasis

    stress management

    diet: eat freq with snacks to maintain blood sugar levels

    2.  Practice Biofeedback

    box breathing 4-4-4-4 daily

    Is Carnivore Diet Healthy?

    1. Analyzing 3 diets:  
      1. nutrients included 
      2. nutrients lacking
      3. is it optimally supporting cellular function?


    1. NUTRIENTS: 
      1. hi healthy fats
    2. NUTRIENTS: 
      1.  hea
      1.  hea

    Carnivore Diet: 

    1. NUTRIENTS: 
      1. hi healthy fats
    2. NUTRIENTS: 
      1.  hea
      1.  hea


    1. NUTRIENTS: 
      1. hi healthy fats
    2. NUTRIENTS: 
      1.  hea
      1.  hea

    (2) Case Study Analyze possible hormonal imbalances

    (3) Teach It:  IMMUNE HEALTH

    outline immune cells and their function

    how they impact immune heath

    practical tips on how to improve immune health

    Evaluate Bone Health

    Evaluate Bone Health  look @ current diet in particular, record how much:: Vitamin K calcium Vitamin D <---------  how much morning sunsh...